
Friday, August 9, 2013


This year our annual picnic will be September 7, 2013 at the West Willow Park. The time will be noon - 4pm. THE PICNIC THIS YEAR WILL BE POTLUCK with some food provided. So get out that favorite recipe and come share it with your neighbors!! There will be a special presentation and dedication at the CRC in honor of Mrs. Margaret Chun at 1pm. Many more things are being planned and we hope to get each church in West Willow involved in some way. This event truly needs to be a community events. We welcome partners and a limited space for organization to come out and share there info in personalized booths. If you would like to set up a booth or if you're willing to help in anyway please contact Linda Mealing at 734-483-8195. Some of the help needed is set-up, clean up, cookers and servers. Financial or item donations are welcomed.


There is only one week left of camp in West Willow. This year the camp averaged 30 - 40 kids and ran for 9 weeks under the leadership of Mrs. Heather Northway. Our long time volunteer coordinator, Linda Mealing stepped down this year and field in as a volunteer. Some of the activities the campers participated in where Arts and Crafts with special visits from Fly Art. There where visits from the Leslie Science and Nature Center who brought out snakes, turtles, lizards, an owl and other feathered friends. Fayne Stoner and her assistant from Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation brought a live duck and chicken! On other weeks they brought in stuffed birds and furs that kept everyones attention as they told all the  facts about each one of them. One of the campers was able to share the excitement of spotting a few humming birds around his grandma house on Eugene St. If he had not heard about them at camp he may not of noticed there small bodies and fast moving wings. Another  new person on the scene was Mr. Kevin who motived the kids with special games and crafts. On Mondays and Wednesday our long time partner Growing Hope put in another summer of informing our youth of the many good nutritional choices in food. In there garden they planted beans, tomatoes, greens/lettuce, and squash. Today there will be a visit from Drummunity.  Lori Fithian will have as many as 10-20 drums to show the youth. She will also allow some to test them out with their own special beat. The show starts at 12:30pm today.

A special thanks to our partnering families, Washtenaw County Parks and Recs. who provide some of the staff , financial support and a trip to Rolling Hills and Independent Lake, the funding from the HUD Sustainable Communities challenge Planning Grant(CCPG), Growing Hope and the volunteers  from West Willow.  Words are not enough to thank all these organizations and people!  It will be hard to tell the campers good bye but we are proud to know that our youth had a safe and fun place to visit all summer long.  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


A deomonstration class about cooking and preserving your summer harvest. Enjoy demonstrations and tastings of Mediterranean collard wraps, dill pickling, and squash/zucchini freezing.
West Willow Community Resource Center: 2057 Tyler Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48198
Thursday, July 18th | 6-8pm | FREE
Funded in part by the USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program through the State of Michigan. These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. For food help, contact the toll free Michigan Food Assistance Program Hotline: (855) ASK-MICH.
We’re proud to offer this workshop free with support from:
922 W. Michigan Ave. | Ypsilanti, MI 48197 | | (734) 786-8401
A deomonstration class about cooking and preserving your summer harvest. Enjoy demonstrations and tastings of Mediterranean collard wraps, dill pickling, and squash/zucchini freezing.
West Willow Community Resource Center: 2057 Tyler Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48198
Thursday, July 18th | 6-8pm | FREE
Funded in part by the USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program through the State of Michigan. These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. For food help, contact the toll free Michigan Food Assistance Program Hotline: (855) ASK-MICH.
We’re proud to offer this workshop free with support from:
922 W. Michigan Ave. | Ypsilanti, MI 48197 | | (734) 786-8401

Preserving the Harvest

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


The NWWNA Board would like to thank everyone who participated in YPSILANTI  P.R.I.D.E. Day (People Restoring Image and Developing the  Environment) held  Saturday, May 18th. West Willow residents and friends met at the Community Resource Center (CRC) located at 2057 Tyler Rd.  The volunteers picked up trash, planted flowers, and spruced up our park, CRC, the West Willow entrance signs and more!
Thanks to everyone !!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

RACER Trust Community Meeting

The revitalizing Auto communities Environmental response (RACER) invites you to a community meeting. Held  Tuesday, June 18th at 7-8:30pm. Meeting location is: RACER Trust Offices located at the former GM Willow Run Powertrain Administration Building, 2500 Airport Rd., Ypsilanti Township. Turn on to Hydromatric Drive from Airport Drive. RACER Trust, Ypsilanti Township, and MDEQ officials will provide updates on plans  related to the Willow Run Powertrain Plant and Willow Run Company Vehicle Operations, including environmental remediations, demolitions, and redevelopment efforts.


It was reported from a resident that on June 11th a gentleman claiming to be from Allied shipping came to their house supposedly checking on delivery of a package. He was a white male, late 30's, 5'9, medium gray blond short hair, nice appearance, goatee, light blue eyes. He was driving a clean late model jeep patriot or liberty black. He inquired about anyone else being home to sign for the package, intimated that he was investigating a driver who had been accused of not delivering. He also said that he had been to several other houses in the area. He could not provide a delivery address and stated they canvassed this area because of a GPS tracking. The resident stated the situation was weird and did not add up. The person had no badge, no business card and avoided giving his name. They called 2 of the local Allied offices and they advised them that this is not their procedure.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Our meeting is just around the corner! Don't miss it. It's Monday, June 17th. at 7-8:30pm.  It is held every 3rd Monday of the month at the CRC building located at 2057 Tyler Rd. Please come, share your concerns and get up to date information from the township, fire department and sheriff's office. There will be news about the Summer Program that begins June 10th. We need your involvement and support. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Street Sweeping in West Willow



Beginning next week 6/10/13 the Township will begin street sweeping and they usually begin in West Willow.  So that the sweepers can get your street swept clean, please try not to park on the street during the daytime hours  until you see that they have cleaned your street.  
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.  

Thank You for your cooperation.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Community Resource Center (CRC)
20576 Tyler Road
Monday, April 15, 2013, 7:00-8:30pm


   I.     Call to Order/Welcome - 7:00pm

 II.      Safety Reports
                a.  Fire Department
                b.  WCSO Crime Report
                c.  Citizens Patrol 

 III.      Township Report 

 IV.      Guest(s)

           A.  CrimeStoppers
           B.  Community Outreach Team
  V.      March Meeting Minutes Report
 VI.     Treasurer's Report Approval 
VII.     Announcements/Upcoming Events
                  .   Growing Hope Garden Membership
                  .   CTC Trainings- Community -Specific Baseline Data  
                      April 22nd from 9-4 
                      Community Resource Assessment Training April 23rd
                      from 8:am-4:30pm. Both at Sparks East 215 W. 
                      Mich Ave.
                 .   UM Health  System- Health Fair on April 21st and 
                     Men's Health Summit on April 27th over on South
                     Harris street.
VIII.     Residents - Questions, Comments, Suggestions
  IX.     Adjourn  - 8:30pm

Community resource Center, 2057 tyler Road, Ypsilanti, Mi. 48198

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

SUMMER JOBS and more

Are you between the ages of 14-21? Interested in training? Need a Job? Or want a better job? Come to a meeting being held April 24th, 5:30 to 7:30pm at West Willow Community Resource Center located at 2057 Tyler Rd. For more information call Sandy (734) 714-9834 or Melissa (734) 714-9835 @ MI WORKS.


In celebration of Law Day, USA, Washtenaw County Bar Association's New Lawyers Section will host a NO FEES DAY( 20 mins. of free advice). It will be Tuesday, April appointment from 10am-4pm. Please call for more details and to schedule an appointment by calling 734-996-3229.

1st Annual African American Men's Health Summit

Will take place on April 27, 2013 at Grace Fellowship Church, 1301 S. Harris St., Ypsilanti, Mi. 48198. It will open at 8:30am and close at noon. Breakfast provided! For more information and registration, call 734-998-2156(UMHS)

Community Health Fair

The fair will take place on Sunday, April 21, 2013. It will run from 1-3pm and will be located at Grace Fellowship Church, 1301 S. Harris Rd. Ypsilanti, Mi. 48198, 734-480-0077. Contact phone number for UMHS/SMMA  is 734-330-1543 or 734-998-4482.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Summer Camp Coordinator Job Posting

The deadline to submit a resume with references has been extended to April 5th. Interviews will take place the following week. Contact Linda Mealing at 734-483-8195 if you have questions.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Please come out Monday, March 18, 2013 to our monthly meeting. It will be held at the CRC located at 2057 Tyler Rd.. The meeting runs 7-8:30pm. You'll get the latest report from our Sheriff's Office and info from the Fire Department. This is your chance to voice your concerns, help resolve problems and volunteer to make West Willow a great place to live.  Hope to see you there! It's a place where all are welcomed and every ones voice matters.

3-20 (Wednesday) 6pm at CRC, 2057 Tyler -Humane Society of Huron Valley will be in West Willow  to host a forum to discuss free-roaming cats.

3-26 thru 3-28 - Humane Society will be performing a community cat Trap-Neuter-Return. 734-661-3523

4-1 (Monday) - West Willow Women in Action (wwwina) - Come to the CRC at noon - 1:30pm for fellowship with other women who live in West Willow. Call Linda Mealing for more details. 734-483-8195
5-18 - YPSI PRIDE DAY - Don't let another year go by without getting involved.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ypsilanti Youth Rec Night!

They are also looking for volunteers, please see the link to the flyer for more information below!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Neighborhood Meeting slated for Monday, February 18th at 7pm

Welcome all residents! Our Monthly meeting is this coming Monday, February 18th at the CRC at 2057 Tyler Road. Please come and join us and get involved in your community :)

Here is a link to this month's agenda!