
Sunday, July 19, 2015


Our July monthly meeting is Monday, the 20th at the CRC building located at 2057 Tyler rd. The meeting is 7-8:30pm. Our guest will be Mr. Lawson of the Twp. Planning Commissioner and Eric from Ypsi Paint.
If you haven't had the chance to sign up and be apart of  planning and volunteering for our picnic on Aug. 29th. please sign up or contact Linda at 734-483-8195. The Action teams continue to meet monthly.
Please connect to one and help life improve in West Willow. The Vandalism and Break in Action Team meets July 23rd at the CRC from 6-7pm. Also the Drug Related Action Team meets the same day at 7-8pm at the CRC.

Monday, June 15, 2015


1.NWWNA MEETING-(Monday) June 15th, 7-8:30pm at the CRC (2057 Tyler rd.) Meeting open to all residents and supporters. Guest is Magistrate Mark Nelson, 14th District Court.
2. Amenities Action Meeting- June 16th at CRC. 4-6pm.
3. West Willow Community Garden- Meets every Tuesday 4-6pm., weather permitting. Open to all residents of WW. Come out and make this year's garden the BEST! In memory of the VICTORY GARDENS after World War II the fence has been painted red/white/blue. Come out and find out about the contest connected to the Aug.14-16th celebration at Yankee Museum.(find more info on line on their web). Can't meet on Tuesday contact Joann(734-845-7362)or Linda (734-483-8195) to set up another time for more residents.
4. @nd H4H House Dedication- Sunday June 21st at 959 Desoto , 1-2:30pm. Pop in for the ceremony at 1pm or anytime tell 2:30pm to meet and view the house. Refreshments will be served.
5. FREE summer Playground Program- June 22-Aug. 14, 2015 -- Summer camp in West Willow has a new location and provider. It will be held at Greater Faith Transition Center(formerly Kaiser School), 670 Onandaga. It will run Mon.-Friday, 11-4pm. Early registration has been going on at the CRC all month. You may continue to sign up at camp on the 1st day and until the limit is met. The long time partnering supporter with NWWNA will now be it's only provider this year. A special thank you to Jon Keith of Washtenaw Cty. Parks and Recreation Dept. for their long time commitment to NWWNA and West Willow Youth. In 2014 Linda Mealing announced it was her last year to volunteerly plan and be Director/Supervisor on sight for summer camp due to new personal commitment to family and friends. With no one stepping up from the community WCPR announced it would continue forward with camp in 2015. NWWNA would like to thank WCPR for their many years of support and their new role in providing a safe and productive place for the youth of West Willow.
6. NWWNA /Habitat Neighborhood Picnic- Aug.29th, 11-5pm. at West Willow Park. Residents are needed to be a part of the planning committee. Please contact Linda at 734-483-8195 or other Board members to sign up and make this a great picnic.

Monday, June 1, 2015


Funding available for late property taxes and mortgages. Up to $30,000 per qualifying household. Information at or call 866-946-7432. Times running out so apply today!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ypsi Pride Day

YPSI PRIDE DAY- May 16th, 9am -2pm. - This day was started by college students years ago as a day to beautify the city and involve the community working together. It has continued to strive for that goal by involving more and more people. Please come out today and join us at the CRC, 2057 Tyler rd. You will be assigned a job to beautif  the neighborhood of West Willow. If we have enough workers and time permit we will be reaching out to help the elderly of West Willow. Please come to the CRC if you know of someone who made need help.


Please come out Monday, May 18th at 7-8:30pm to NWWNA resident's monthly meeting. It is held at the CRC Building at 2057 Tyler rd. At this meeting our special guest will be Washtenaw Cty. Road Commissioner, Rutherford Pool, and a rep. from the talking about help for foreclosures. The cty. program is about to end and you need to apply now! We will also have our regular reps. from the fire dept., police dept., twp. dept. and updates from our ACT group that have been addressing specific problems in West Willow. COME OUT AND MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS. BE ACTIVE FOR CHANGE. SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. For more information contact Linda at 734.483.8195.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Educational Forum on Expunged Records

When: April 30th at 6pm.  
Location: Greater Faith Tradition, 670 Onondaga  (old Kaiser School)
Hosted by: Judge Debra Thomas

Vadalism/Break-in meeting

Please come to a meeting today, April 30th. at 11am- noon at the CRC (2057 Tyler rd.). We will discuss ways to not be a victim, look out for neighbors and ways to assist the police and Citizen Patrol. Call for 734-483-8195 for more info.

West Willow's First Habitat Home Dedication

You're all invited to attend the dedication of the 1st Habitat home in West Willow. It will all take place on Sunday, May 3rd. at 3pm. The location is 1201 Desoto. Please come out and meet our new neighbor Kim. We are so excited and so happy. Thank you Habitat.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sheriif Clayton to attend meeting tomorrow, April 20, 2015

Please come out and pass the word that Clayton will be one of the visitors at tomorrows meeting. Don't miss the opportunity to have him answer your questions, concern and or give appreciation. Meeting starts at 7pm at the CRC, 2057 Tyler rd. See you then.  Invite neighbors and friends.

West Willow Community Action Teams (ACT'S)

Please excuse the disorder of this bog. For some reason I'm unable to change it and get rid of the misaligning. Sorry.

 If you haven't joined one of the action teams that started in Dec. 2014 please see information below and join one today. The teams usually meet once a month at the CRC ( 2057 Tyler rd.). Some have already met for this month so look for the date of the next meeting date either here or West Willow Facebook or

Drug Activity- Met yesterday, Sat., April 18th. at 5pm. Asking residents to keep a look out for
                                       possible drug houses. Educating residents on how to spot drug activity, track
                                       and report it. Please come out and join this group as we tackle one of
                                       important issues the residents are concerned about stopping.

Access to Amenities - Next meet May 12, 2015 at 6-7pm.
                                      Working on development of vacant area near West Willow to boast economy.
                                      Wish to have a Round Table for residents, township and county officials.
                                      Seeking grants.
Vandalism/Break-ins-  Meeting set for April 30,  11-noon    
                                       Working toward elimination break-ins by working with police department,
                                       some  citizen patrol members, sharing educational ideas and how not be a
                                       victim. Since it's warmed up break-in have been on the rise! We need to
                                       have a plan in action now! SEE SOMETHING. DO SOMETHING.
                                       REPORT.  Call 911. Contact: 734-483-8195 or 734-478-6331
Lighting, Litter, Trash and Debris-  Meeting again in May, date unknown
                                       Improving the area. Encouraging residents to obey ordinances
                                       and keep their yards clean. Working with township and county officials for
Youth Activities -       May 2nd. at noon
                                      Scheduling activities for youth.Partnering with existing youth programs and
                                     bringing them to West Willow.
                                     Connecting with West Willow churches and informing residents of youth and
                                     family opportunities. They envision that West Willow would "get our youth
                                     back" from poor influences that can distract them.
Neighbor Relationships- Meeting May 6th. at 6pm                           
                                     Work on more community activities such as block parties and yard sales.
                                     More communications between residents. " Each 1 reach 1". More peace
                                     and contentment. Less crime in West Willow.   

Monday, March 30, 2015

Street Sweeping in the Township

Please park in your driveway the week of March 31 - April 4 so your street can benefit the street sweepers this week.

Public Meeting and Updates For the RACER TRUST/old GM PLANT

 come out and be informed
come out and be heard

DATE: April 21, 2015
TIME: 5:30PM -8PM
LOCATION: New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church, 2345 Tyler Rd., Ypsi.

   Summary presentation related to site status and remedy selection to treat contaminated ground water. For more information contact Kevin Lund, Remediation and Redevelopment Division, 517-780-7846; or e-mail at:<>

Cancelling meeting for West Willow Women in Action (WWWIA)

Because of lack of interest and attendance WWWIA will not meet the 1st Monday of each month. We will re-look at the desire and need to restart this group in the future.  Please consider joining one of the actions groups that have formed to make improvements in our community. A special thanks to the few who came out and shared in this group. For more information and/or comments call 734-483-8195.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


At the Annual Potluck and the Community Planning Meeting in November 2014  Habitat shared some of the information that was collected so far from Lowe's community wide surveys. They shared what we said was important like our desire to have a safe place to live, getting youth programming right here in West Willow and much, much more. Taking the survey is a part of the residents giving back to Lowe's for the grant they so graciously awarded to us! It is a mandatory obligation we promised to complete.  We see the wonderful new fencing  neighbors received for free because of the grant. Doesn't it look good and inviting to the outside community? It shows we care about keeping up our property. So a special thanks to the Lowe employees, Habitat workers and the West Willow residents who all came out and put the fence up. Other things that the grant paid for were more  home exterior improvements that brought painting, gutters and guard improvement and landscape improvements to many West Willow residents. We also look forward to the pavilion that will be built at the Community Resource Center on Tyler rd. 
  There are many residents who have benefited from the work of Habitat's Community Revitalization Project and the Lowe Grant. Neighbors, it's time to step up and finish our responsibility to complete and collect enough surveys. It's time to give back! We have not met that magical number. We still need a little under 100 surveys to complete our part of the grant commitment. So please if you have not done a survey please contact me (Linda Mealing) at 734-483-8195 or contact Shataura Clayborne at 734-478-6331 of Habitat to get a copy to fill out. Copies are also available at the monthly community open meetings.
  The information already gathered also gives residents the opportunity to be a part of the solution to the problems we identified as needing to change. There are 6 action groups that have been formed to address the problems we identified as needing to improve or be resolved. If you have not connected with a group to help the community for CHANGE please consider joining one soon.  You can find the meeting dates on or call Shataura or Linda for information. The groups are :
Drug Activity
Access to Amenities
Vandalism & Break-ins
Poor Stree Maintenance & Lighting/Litter, Trash, Debris
Neighbor Relations

May we all be a part of making West Willow a great place to live. I look forward to meeting more residents and working side by side on our projects like the upcoming pavilion & Habitat rehab homes in West Willow work days and other plans for a greater neighborhood. Working hand in hand, helping our neighbors, caring for the good of each other, partnering with our churches and other community groups will all lead to a stronger and safer community! 

A special thanks to our partners and supporters: Habitat of Huron Valley, Shataura Clayborne/ Habitat's West Willow Community Development staff, Lowe's, Ypsilanti Township Board and Ypsi Paint who also have done landscape and painting in West Willow. And not forgetting a special thanks to Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation, MiWorks and Washtenaw Cty. Grandparents Program who have helped support the Summer program for years.

Linda Mealing 
NWWNA President


Washtenaw Cty. Sheriff Emergency Services in conjunction with the National Weather Service Detroit/Pontiac is offering Skywarn Spotter training free of charge to anyone 18 years of age or older who is interested in being trained in severe weather identification, protection and reporting procedures. The course is 1-1/2 hr. long, and identification codes are issued to all who complete the program.
March 12, 2015 - Thursday   
Ypsilanti Township Civic Center
7200 South Huron River Dr.
East off of Huron St. south of I-94
Ypsilanti, Mi.

April 11, 2015- Saturday
10am to11:30 am
Pioneer High School
601 West Stadium Blvd.
Ann Arbor, Mi.

Registration for both courses begins 30 minutes before posted start time

Class sizes are limited so you must pre-register  either electronically on the web at or by calling (734) 973-4900. Provide your name, phone number, class date, and verify that you are at least 18 years of age.

Announcement from West Willow Churches

West Willow C.O.G.I.C.- 21st Annual Winter Harvest Program, March 8, 2015 at 4pm. Special guest speaker Evangelist Elaine P. Wright. Sponsored by: The Young Women Christian Council Dept. & C.W.C.

Greater Faith Transition,Inc.- Giving Back! Food Distribution 1st and 4th Tuesday of the month from 1- 4pm. Located at the old Kaiser School, 670 Onandaga St.

New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church - Tutoring for students every Wednesday. Church address is 2345 Tyler rd. Please contact the church for more details and time. 734-483-5730

Monday, February 23, 2015

Speaking up Works!

On February 17th at the Ypsilanti Township Board meeting, three West Willow residents spoke regarding drug houses in our neighborhood. This was the outcome: Drug Activity at a rental house is not accepted and a warning letter will be sent to the landlord and his/her property will be padlocked for a year. This is of course after the police have been involved. Lieutenant Jim E. Anuszkiewicz was present and spoke to the West Willow residents after the meeting. He said he was going to make sure this is looked into and dealt with sooner then was planned. West Willow is on the Washtenaw County Sheriff's high priority because we spoke up, that is what he said. If you want to hear this first hand his number is: 734-714-9907/

written by Joann McCollum, Vice President of NWWNA.(also posted in

Monday, February 16, 2015


Please come out to our monthly meeting today. They're held the 3rd. Monday of each month at the CRC (community resource center, 2057 Tyler rd.) at 7-8:30pm. Come out and meet more of your neighbors and get updates from the police, fire, township and Habitat. There will be updates from our newly formed action groups that are making positive plans to make West Willow into a greater place to live. It's also a time for you to share your concerns, get help from others and be a part of this years goal settings. We need your input to understand all the concerns and needs. CHANGE will not happen unless the RESIDENTS step up, make it happen and keep it MOVING.  The building will be extra warm tonight and hot beverages for all. Park in the church parking lot for your convenience. You may contact me at 483-8195 if you have questions or look up other board members on the information pages. SEE YOU TONIGHT.

Monday, February 2, 2015


The W.W.W.I.A. for today has been cancelled due to the weather. The subdivision is still covered with 14-16 inches of snow.  Keep safe and see you March 2, 2015 at 6pm., CRC.

Monday, January 12, 2015

NWWNA Meets January 19th

Happy New Year everyone! Please come out to the 1st meeting of 2015! It will be Jan.19th at 7pm. Location: Community Resource Center (CRC), 2057 Tyler Rd. A special installation ceremony for the 2015/2016 board will take place. Come out and be apart of  setting goals and planning the new year. There will be reports from the twp., police, fire department, and some of the newly formed committees.